About us

The main objective of fiQare is to create an intelligent certification system in cloud security and IoT, and to improve the quality within Fiware platform, with the aim of making it safer and more reliable.


The project, led by NEO group from the University of Málaga, is developed by the companies Secmotic, TIGA and Emergya.


In fiQare, Secmotic and Emergya are the responsible for the research and evaluation of the quality of Fiware, applying the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 regulation. UMA works on the development of an artificial intelligence, capable of analysing the software automatically. Furthermore, they work detecting improvement in code quality.


Emergya is an Ayesa company. Founded in 1966, Ayesa is a global technology and engineering services company, with 13,000 employees and direct presence in 23 countries in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Led by José Luis Manzanares, it exceeded 790 million euros in turnover at the end of 2024, consolidating its position as one of the leading consulting and IT services companies in the Spanish market.  
It offers a wide range of advanced Digital Transformation solutions (projects with disruptive technologies and solutions) and core service lines (traditional IT services) to improve competitiveness in all sectors of activity through the application of technology and knowledge.  
Industry 4.0, Analytics, Cloud, Hybrid IT, Cybersecurity, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, IoT, AI, RPA, Bimodal IT, Mobility or Digital Experience are some of the technologies it makes available to its clients to face the new digital era. 
It is also among the benchmark engineering firms, working to build a more efficient and fairer world, applying engineering and cutting-edge technology in an integrated way. It helps companies, institutions and organizations to become what they want to be. It works in the space between now and the future, applying, with the best talent, the most cutting-edge technology.

Secmotic is a expert technology company which helps to achieve the digital transformation of the cities, industries and businesses, providing IT services and implementing and developing solutions in the IoT environment. Secmotic is engaged with research, development and innovation as a motor of change.


Tiga is a company that stands out for focusing its services in innovation, quality, research and technological development, offering its clients IT special solutions, such as support of decisions and ERP systems.

Technical objectives

This project proposes the design, creation and execution of an innovative methodology, through research and the application of eight points of ISO 25010 rules applied to FIWARE GEs.


  • Functionality. The expected functionalities will be defined and the implementation will be checked, considering fot its purpuse. 
  • Efficiency. GEs performance and its font code will be analyzed keeping in mind response time, used memory, battery consumption, storage needs and net use. This will lead to defining the level of adaptability or possibility in real time, amongst other characteristics.
  • Compatibility. The level at which the components can exchange information in other components and interconnect themselves, through the use of their APIs.
  • Usability. Through smart quantitative techniques, the main characteristics of FIWARE platform related to quality, patterns, score rules and use guideb will be analyzed.
  • Reliability. The aim is to develope the trust in software, in order to reduce the probability of errors. This way, several tests will be carried out with the aim to test the composition and the capacity of interaction of different web services (APIs), that are the core of FIWARE. This value is key in the project.
  • Security. The level of protection of information and data will be measured, in order to limit access to some content to own authorized people. 
  • Maintenance. An analysis of all available font code of some GEs will be carried out, in order to detect duplicated code, code smells and commented code, avoiding the main mistakes.
  • Portability. It consists on the analysis of functionalities and efficiency in different operating systems, considering the current system restrictions.

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fiQare and FIREWARE

fiQare and FIWARE

Future Intelligent Quality Assurance for Release Enhancement (fiQare) is a revolutionary new concept in safety, reliability and quality for IoT environments.

fiQare develops an innovative methodology based on artificial intelligence. We analyze FIWARE technology automatically using eight axes of ISO 25010 standard, to measure the quality of IoT (Internet of Things) Platforms, such as Smart Cities and Factory 4.0

fiQare takes FIWARE as a target for its analysis. FIWARE is a middleware for the development and deployment of future Internet applications. FIWARE open APIs are known as Generic Enablers (GEs); fiQare acts on these GEs, improving their quality.

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IoT Security and Smart Cities

Smart Cities and IoT are the future of technology, and the biggest threat to its development is the loss of confidence due to security flaws in platforms and devices.

At IoT, safety should precede innovation.

IoT is leaving obsolete the laws necessary to regulate and standardize security policies. In this new environment, security breaches have the potential to endanger human life.

We follow the methodology known as “security by design” where we analyze FIWARE to find bugs and design flaws that would allow security attacks.

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ISO/IEC 25010 and FIWOO

When the identity of the device is related to the identity of a human being, the true value of IoT emerges. However, with access to data comes the enigma of privacy.

ISO/IEC 25010 determines which quality characteristics will be taken into account when evaluating the properties of a software product. This model will be applied in the fiQare project.

Platforms such as FIWOO (or any other FIWARE based platform) will improve their quality and security. fiQare will enable faster and greater development of these technologies by increasing confidence in them.

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GE’s and final products

We provide a methodology based on automatic learning algorithms for GEs analysis.

We report on the status of the quality of GEs in IoT Platforms.

We do enhance FIWARE's management tools (GEs), which are offered to the community.

FIWARE-based Platforms (such as FIWOO) will experience a substantial improvement in safety and quality.

Development of two use cases:

First Use Case: Smart Cities Analysis by Sensing Urban Heartbeat (SUH): Install and use sensors in the campus of the University of Málaga, to take open data, analyse them, and give models of mobility and noise. Users will be several research groups at University of Málaga, the rectorate itself (for management), and the students (40.000 potential beneficiaries of this work).

Second Use Case: Internet of health things for smart home assisted living: This use case involves the construction of a IoT Early Warning System (EWS) for the detection of residential emergencies, targeting different services with the adequate message content (e.g. for nurses, doctors, individual's family and hospitals).