fiQare project ends successfully
The Project has come to an end. After three years of exhaustive research and development, our team, made up of members of the NEO group from the University of Malaga (UMA), in collaboration with the consortium of companies TIGA, Ubiwhere, Secmotic and Emergya, have met all the requirements and objectives marked at the beginning of the project. Therefore, they have shown their satisfaction with the results achieved.
It should be remembered that the main objective of fiQare was to create an intelligent certification system, based on cloud security and IoT (Internet of Things), as well as to improve the quality of the FIWARE platform, in order to make it more secure and reliable. This tool sought to analyze the different Generic Enablers developed for the Fiware project, using the quality of the software.
In this way, and over the last three years, the team has carried out a study in which the comparison of the different GE's (Generic Enablers) for their selection and repair was shown.
Likewise, the team has managed to repair and improve GE's of the FIWARE Foundation, contributing to its improvement, after going through a tough process of acceptance of the same through the official repositories and has become an official committed member of the FIWARE Foundation.
Also, and during the course of the process, a platform for Smart Cities based on the GE's of the Fiware Foundation has been developed. It should be noted that this platform complies with all the standards proposed by the European Union and the Fiware Foundation for the development and implementation of Smart Cities.
All these achievements have contributed to positioning the project as a benchmark in the IoT universe, both at the level of e-health and Smart Cities.
The team has shown its satisfaction that all the objectives set have been exceeded by far and it is confident that the knowledge acquired can be put into practice in future projects to continue contributing to the societies of the future and their needs.